New Version of Productive Nanosystems Animation
Released on = March 13, 2006, 9:28 am
Press Release Author = Lizard Fire Studios
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = An outstanding sound track has been added to the existing 5 minute animaiton of a nanotechnology appliance. The desktop factory now impacts the user in a more powerful way. The sound effects were created and contributed to this project by Mark Keefner of Waymo Music and Sound.
Press Release Body = FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 3/13/2006
A New Version of the Productive Nanosystems Animation.
Lizard Fire Studios released \"Productive Nanosystems, from molecules to super products\", version 1.01 in 2005. Version 1.1 adds a professional sound effect track behind the existing voice over. Mark Keefner, owner of Waymo Music & Soundesign, http// , has contributed the sound design to support what he sees as an important project. When asked why he put over 15 hours into the new version, Mark said, \"This video is an amazing representation of the inner workings of molecular manufacturing and I wanted to take the sense of realism to the next level. The work being done by Eric Drexler, Ray Kurzweil and many others is leading the human race into an exciting new era offering creative solutions beyond our wildest dreams.\"
This animation presents the design and virtual tour of a molecular manufacturing device which is expected to become available around 2020. The design was based on present knowledge of nanotechnology, quantum chemistry simulations and has been reviewed by scientists in the field. It was first presented at the 2004 Foresight Conference on Advanced Nanotechnology in a preliminary form. The idea that this desktop appliance could be available within 15 years is hard to believe. Some think it may take 30 years. The difference depends on where we put our money for research. Ask yourself if you want better tennis rackets now, or better tools to detect and kill cancer in 15 years? As a society, we will get what we pay for.
This animation has received tremendous positive response from individuals who see molecular manufacturing as a viable pathway. It has been used in college courses and government conferences to establish a common vocabulary and to focus the discussion on specific goals.
This new version is available at . Contact John Burch for more information about the new version. Direct line: (512) 458-1855 Email: More information can be found at:
Web Site =
Contact Details = John Burch||2004 Pompton Dr.||Austin , 78757||$$country||||512.458.1855||||
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